The secret to happiness is low expectations.

Barry Schwartz

Quotation #14706

About This Quote

“The Paradox of Choice.” TEDGlobal 2005. Jul. 2005. Conference Presentation.

Source: "The Paradox of Choice." TEDGlobal 2005. Jul. 2005. Conference Presentation. Additional Information: In the TEDTalk from which this quote was pulled, psychologist Barry Schwartz says that having too many choices makes us unhappy: having numerous options, whether for a mate or a pair of jeans, raises our expectations for our ideal mate or pair of jeans, inevitably leading to disappointment with the mate or pair of jeans we end up getting. When we have fewer options, and thus, lower expectations, we are happier with the outcome. Watch the full TEDTalk here: Barry Schwartz - The Paradox of Choice