Announcing The Launch Of Quotery 5.0!

Jason Bacchetta

April 24, 2018

We’re excited to announce that the next version of Quotery is finally here! And it’s no longer just a traditional website. We like to think of it as a high performance progressive web app.

What’s New

The new app has been completely revamped. It’s clean, modern, visually-stunning, and ridiculously fast. We’ve added a variety of features including:

  • a new user interface
  • offline loading
  • the ability to add Quotery to your phone’s homescreen
  • a layout that looks great across all of your devices  — whether it be on desktop or mobile.
  • support for swipe gestures on tabbed content
  • convenient, interactive social-sharing
  • a variety of display and sort options for viewing quotations
  • advanced search capabilities for finding the perfect quote
  • a streamlined way for users to suggest edits
  • a new verification label that confirms whether or not our editorial team has validated a quotation and its source, making Quotery an appropriate resource for entertainment, academic, and journalistic purposes
  • more intuitive navigation, with blog posts and curated collections now having their own pages
  • SVG icons that look crisp on all screen resolutions

What’s Changed

Thanks to your valuable feedback we’ve decided to make the following changes:

  • user profiles have been discontinued
  • with users preferring to carry on discussions via social media, commenting on the site has been disabled and all previous comments on the site have been removed

What’s Next

While we’re ecstatic about being able to show off what we’ve built so far, we’re not finished just yet. Over the coming weeks we’ll be continuing to tweak the app’s performance while releasing additional enhancements. Here’s what you can expect to see relatively soon:

  • push-notifications
  • advanced filtering for quotes, authors, topics, collections, and blog posts
  • user-created picture quotes (no login required)

What’s the Tech

Don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten about all of the geeks out there.

For those of you like us who like to nerd-out over cutting edge technology stacks, you might find it interesting that is developed in JavaScript and built on top of Node, Express, Next, React, Redux, and the WordPress REST API.

We implemented responsive, adaptive, and progressive techniques across the site, and the app takes advantage of static and dynamic pre-fetching, universal rendering, code-splitting, and virtualized lazy-loading with infinite scrolling.

To ensure all of that hard work doesn’t go to waste, we’re running on Amazon Lightsail and Cloudflare for optimal speed and security.

What You Think

And with that, let us know what you think about the new web app. Love it? Hate it? Share your thoughts on our Facebook page or tweet us on Twitter!
